
Monday, 2 April 2012

Keep 'Em Clean!

High standards of hygiene is essential for any Make-up Artist and I always keep an anti-bacterial hand spray (anti-bacs, as I generally refer to them) in my kit - both onset and in the make-up room. Hand sanitisers really have become a must-have product for many of us, but many traditional high street brands contain all manner of nasties, thankfully there are some organic alternatives out there.
Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitisers

I am not a clean-freak by any stretch of the imagination, however hand sanitisers are a product that I do use frequently, both in my work and in everyday life. Be it after using public transport or between make-ups, my usage has increased and it is the possible long term effects of many of the ingredients found in the big name anti-bacs that concerns me. 

Alcohol is found in many beauty products and comes in many guises, it is incredibly drying for the skin but is a key ingredient in many hand sanitisers. The amount of alcohol contained in some small anti-bac bottles (including those designed to be child friendly) is as great as 62% - that is the equivalent amount of alcohol as in 4 shots of vodka! 

Besides the parabens and synthetic fragrances and colours, sadly found in so many products today, some hand sanitisers may also contain toxins such as; Propylene Glycol (found in anti-freeze), Triclosan (a pesticide) and some formaldehyde releasing ingredients. All of which are known to have potentially harmful long term effects on our health.

In keeping the bugs at bay, you needn't put your health at risk as there are a number of companies who make organic anti-bacterial hand sanitisers. These products use natural alternatives to the potentially harmful ingredientssuch as aloe vera and lemon juice to provide the anti-bacterial properties required in a hand sanitiserAlthough ingredients will vary from product to product, their toxin-free nature means that they are all suitable for frequent use and on children and pregnant women.

"What is that you're using?" is a question I have been asked a few times, on hearing the response I am frequently greeted with "I didn't know you could get organic ones". So, over the course of a series of posts, I will write about the different organic anti-bacs available on the market, all of which I use in my make-up kit in order to avoid cross infection and help enable me to remain germ free!


  1. Just to say that I love your posts!

  2. Love this post! I'm not a clean freak either, but like to keep some in my hand bag, just in case. Quash was recommended to me a while back by Sugarpuffish after I did a similar post, I keep forgetting to try it. Anyways, I had a look at the ingredients and they look fab! :) x

  3. Thank you :)
    I've recently come across the Quash line and although I'm still 'playing around' (do you do that with anti-bacs?) with it, I do see another to be added to the 'to be written' blog list!
    L x

  4. Can't wait for this post this is something I've been thinking about looking for for a while!

  5. Thank you - keep an eye out as I will be looking at each brand over the next couple of months :)
