
Monday, 9 March 2015

Bookshelf: The Green Beauty Bible by S. Stacey & J. Fairley

Back in September (doesn't that seem an age ago?) I began a somewhat short lived series on eco-beauty books. After a slightly longer than planned hiatus (I was initially thinking every couple of months), I am back with another post... 
Written by the ladies behind The Beauty Bible, The Green Beauty Bible is, to put it simply; the clean version.

A clean, green and significantly updated interpretation of those 1970/80's beauty guides (remember them? I have a few on my bookshelf - they are great for period make-up references), this book tells you what you need to know about looking after your body naturally.

The Green Beauty Bible's 223 pages are packed full of information. Covering various topics from skin, tooth and body care through to make-up, fragrance and staying safe in the sun, TGBB seamlessly blends how-to's and DIY recipes with recommended products lists, problem solving and fact. Add in interviews from celebrated green beauties and lifestyle suggestions and you have a concise book that covers all the bases.

The product suggestions are great and despite having been published seven years ago, many of the recommended lotions and potions are those you see filling the pages of blog such a this one... 

With it's slightly lighthearted take on the industry, The Green Beauty Bible would probably not be the go-to choice for your hardened eco-beauty but it is perfect for readers who are wanting to gloss over the majority of the science and nasty bits and head straight for the good stuff. A good read nonetheless.

Originally priced at £14.99, I have seen it on ebay going for as little as 99p.

The Green Beauty Bible
Author: Sarah Stacey & Josephine Fairley
Publisher: Published in 2008. Republished by Kyle Cathie Ltd (2009)
ISBN: 978-1-85626-851-6

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