
Friday, 11 September 2015

Organic Beauty Week 2015

Monday sees the launch of Organic Beauty Week, which takes place annually within The Soil Association's Organic September. The week (which runs from the 14th-20th September) is themed around the organisations recently launched Campaign for Clarity.

Organic beauty is a rapidly growing industry however it is largely unregulated and it frustrates me greatly that companies are misleading consumers by implying that a product is something that it is not. 

Packaging is a very influential factor in a consumers purchasing choices and the use of tag-lines and slogans on tubes, jars and boxes grab our attention and almost certainly guarantee sales. Using words such as organic, simplenatural or bio are all very well but when a product contains for instance; as little as one drop of an organic essential oil, it is misleading. 

The unregulated nature of the industry means that companies can get away with making claims that can easily be misinterpreted and this greenwashing is simply not acceptable. The Soil Association are  want to raise public awareness of the importance of certification and calls upon the beauty industry to clean up its act.

So, let's get the message across to all of those companies who think that it is acceptable to hoodwink the public into believing their product is something it is not; let's cut the crap and #campaign4clarity and choose #organicbeauty

Show your support for the campaign and join the Soil Association in a Thunderclap at 10.00am BST - click here for further information and to add your support.

Throughout Organic Beauty Week natural beauty stores and companies will be hosting events and promotions to help get the message across and raise awareness. Check out what your favourite brands are doing by visiting their websites or checking out the Soil Association Organic Beauty Week page where all the events will be listed.

To find out more about how to get involved in Organic Beauty Week, visit the Soil Association website or email

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