
Friday, 8 January 2016

Give And Make-up

In a change to my usual formulation for picking posts from the vault (i.e. finding the oldest), I decided that I would repost a post which I published in the middle of last year. Although relatively recent, I felt that January was the perfect time too give it another airing - I hope you don't mind...

I am sure I am not alone when I say that every year I find myself with a collection of products that myself and my household have absolutely no use for (aftershave!? - this is a beard-wearing household!) or have no inclination to use primarily due to their ingredients list - yes, I'm talking to you weird pink fluro bubble bath with a list longer than the Magna Carta!

This scenario most often occurs around Christmas and/or birthday time when a well meaning elderly individual who I haven't see since I was 3 months old (if ever) very kindly sends me a present which is not to my taste or possibly even meant for me - then I guilt at not even having sent them a card! What do you do..?

When I find myself with a surplice of products that I don't want for one reason or another, I generally pass pieces on to friends and family and take the remainder to one of my local charity shops (I rotate donations) or donate skincare to the weekly food bank managed by my mum.

Having recently been very kindly given a selection of (new) make-up products which I had no plans to use, I pondered over what to do with it - it wasn't suitable for my kit or myself and there is none who I would give it to as a present...What to do? I did a little research and came across Give And Makeup - I had my answer!

Founded in 2010 by Skincare Specialist, Blogger and Vlogger  Caroline Hirons, Give And Makeup is a not for profit initiative designed with the sole purpose of getting everyday essentials into the hands of the women and children who are most in need of them.

Each year thousands of women and children in the UK are affected by domestic violence, sadly half of the incidents go unreported however a large number have to flee their homes and find themselves with nothing. Give And Makeup works with Women's Aid, Refuge and CRI (London area) to not only provide women and children with the basics but also the items that can help provide confidence to women who are possibly at their lowest.

We all have make-up, skin and personal care products that we don't need or want, so don't bin them - donate them!

Each week two women in the UK are murdered by a partner or ex-partner

What can you donate? Pretty much anything but more specifically...

The EssentialsSkincare & MakeupBabies & Children
Shampoo & ConditionerCleanserBath products
Bath/Shower GelToner/Water SprayBody lotion
Body lotionMoisturiserNappy rash cream
Hair productsSerumCotton buds
Toothbrushes*FoundationCotton pads
Feminine Hygiene ProductsMascara*
At-Home Hair DyeConcealer*
Shaving productsEye shadow
TweezersLip Gloss*
Heated hair toolsBlusher

Makeup brushes
*unopened and unused only

One woman in four experiences domestic violence in their lifetime

What about all those opened, tried once and never again kinda products? (I have a lot of those too) They take it all!

The general consensus is that if you would be happy to give the product to a friend, they will take it. If you aren't sure about a product then just get in touch with them and ask.

The average woman experiences domestic violence 35 times before she calls the police

How do I donate? It's easy!

Simply package up the products into manageable sized parcels and pop them in the post, alternatively donations can be made directly to your local shelters.

Parcels can be sent to one of the following addresses:

Give and Makeup c/o

Pardip Barmi 
PO BOX 855 
W4 4AW

Give and Makeup c/o CRI
6 Craven Park
NW10 8SY


Ashley Ridler
Give and MakeUp c/o
63-67 Wellfield Road
CF24 3PA

To find out more about the invaluable work done by these charities to support women and children who have suffered domestic violence, please visit their websites:

Women's Aid                     Refuge                   CRI

Give And Makeup can be found on twitter @GiveAndMakeUp 

Image: Give And Makeup

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